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Faith Lutheran Yo​uth (F.L.Y.)

Youth that have completed 5th grade through the 12th grade are welcome.

We have​ fun, fellowship, learn, and serve others in Christ.

Attend the 2023 Higher Things Conference with us!

July 16 - 22, 2023

Southern Illinois University

Carbondale, IL

All youth that have been confirmed by the start of the conference are welcome!

Preliminary Itinerary:

Day 1 - Travel to Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri

Day 2 - Fun Day on the Lake of the Ozarks

Day 3 - Travel to Carbondale, IL and Check In

Day 4 - Higher Things Day 1

Day 5 - Higher Things Day 2

Day 6 - Higher Things Day 3 / Evening Cookout & Live Music Jamboree

Day 7 - Travel Home with a stop in St. Louis


(Formerly shopwithscrip)

The FLY (Faith Lutheran Youth) are selling gift cards through RaiseRight as an ongoing fundraiser. You can purchase gift cards to the places you already shop. You can also use their app to purchase digital gift cards while you are at a store! There are hundreds to choose from. This program costs you NOTHING extra! You are not asked to spend any more money than you normally would, but rather use our gift cards in place of your checkbook or debit card. When you do this, you will be helping our youth program. You may purchase the cards on Sundays after the worship services or call the church office anytime.

How does this all work?

Gift Cards are purchased by the Youth Board. Each retailer gives a percentage to our Youth Group when the card is purchased. For example, Chili’s gives 11% for every $25 dollar card purchased. The card would cost the Youth Board $22.25. When you purchase the card at $25 dollars, the youth will earn $2.75.

The top sellers are Walmart, Lowe’s and Chili’s, but you can also use the service for cards through Southwest Airlines, Marriott Hotels, Carnival Cruise Lines, and These type of travel purchases add up quickly to benefit our youth! There are a wide selection of gift cards available from dining, clothing, and department stores to entertainment and travel just to name a few. You can view a full list of participating retailers at the FLY table on Sundays or visit By setting up account, you can purchase cards, see daily bonus specials, and even see a summary of what your purchases have totaled in donation back to FLY!

Donation Summary Example

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